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Individual Sessions

90 Day Pursuit of God

Do you feel like you have been in a spiritual desert? Are you distant from God? Having a hard time hearing Him? During our 90 days together we will dig to the root of the problem. Based on your goals, we will dive into the Word and create a plan to help you:

-Feel closter to God

-Hear His voice

-Develop strategies to find more time with God
-Learn how to gain discernment

We wil use Scripture to give you a new path and committment to God. There is nothing worse than feeling distant from God. It’s time to reconnect to the Source.

In our first session (1 hour) we will explore your goals and set the steps that you will lead you into deeper communion. Our weekly sessions will not only keep you on track, but they will propel you into success in deepening your relationship with God.

Click “NEXT STEP” to start your journey to confidence.

Grow closer to God.
90 Day Pursuit of You

Are you constantly questioning yourself? Do you have low self-esteem? Do you let people walk all over you? Then you are in the right


During our 90 days together we will dig to the root of the problem. We will pursue your value by removing roadblocks built by your past, that have stoped your from overcoming low self-esteem. I will give you strategies to replace negative thought patterns. We will use Scripture to give you a new path and vision for yourself. You will be on the path to trusting your judgement, having self-confidence, and valuing your opinions and your time. It's time to overcome your self-esteem!

In our first hour session we will explore your goals and set the steps that will lead you there. Our weekly 20 min sessions will not only keep you on track but they will propel you into success.

Click "NEXT STEP" to start your journey to confidence.

90 Day Pursuit of Relationships

Have you walked through life never really belonging, never finding your tribe? Do you feel like a pushover or a doormat? Are you willing to comprise your values or avoid conflict so that people like you? Are you

experiencing distance from God or spiritual dryness? Theses are all symptoms of people pleasing.

We will meet each week for 90 days. During that time you will explore events that lead you to this point, discover how to become free from the prison of the approval of others, while discovering how to connect more deeply to the ones you love, awaken your spiritual relationship with God.

In our first hour session we will explore your goals and set the steps that will lead you there. Our weekly 20 min sessions will not only keep you on track but they will propel you into success.

Click " NEXT STEP" to start your journey to deeper relationships.

90 Day Pursuit of Time

If your schedule is a mess, you can’t seem to say ”no” and overcommit your time, or you always feel busy but never seem to accomplish anything, or you can’t seem to hit your goals - this is for you!!

During your 90 day transformation we will meet each week. We will discuss your goals and strategically devise a plan that gives your your time back. You’ll discover the key to answering with confidence and conviction. You will open the door to more time for yourself, loved ones, God and reaching your goals.

In our weekly sessions will not only keep you on track but they will propel you into success. Click "NEXT STEP" to start your journey to getting your time back.

Join our community of women, just like you!